{ "logo": "https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-kf8plikty9/product_images/uploaded_images/mat-3x.png?t=1596584345&_ga=2.177629477.1600779127.1596584320-1560408289.1596584320", "description": { "shortText": "Precision Fit Mats are custom made to specifically fit each make and model vehicle so there is no need to get out the Stanley knife and make your own modifications to fit these to your car. ", "longText": "These Mats are AWESOME, Tailor made to fit your vehicle featuring a lip and tread to contain spills, a safety drivers side lock down lug and being constructed with a heavy-duty rubber you won't be disappointed. Precision Fit Mats are super easy to fit, easy to clean and provide maximum protection for your vehicles floor." } }